Monday, July 4, 2011

To Do-for Tue. July 05

 The Rose Mallow (Hibiscus) is getting a little aggresive & overtaking the Prairie Dropseed.  So let's cut back some of the overlapping branches from the Rose Mallow.  Take it off at the ground level.

 Check out the Mo. Primrose.  It could use a little weeding. 
 Will we ever get rid of the vines trying to grow up the plants? 
 Also, check out the Ohio Horsemint.  It needs a little weeding too.
Fringe Tree- The broken edges from a cut are a perfect way for diseases to enter.  Let's prune them closer to the next leaf bud. 
Hi garden fans.  The native plants liked the rain we got over the weekend.  It's nice to have a garden that is not hooked up to a sprinkler.  Well, let's see what problems showed up this week.  I know we can fix them on Tue. evening at 6:30 pm. when all the volunteers show up.  Here are my thoughts.  (Snapdragon)

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