Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trimming and weeding

We weeded. We trimmed asters, rose mallow, trumpet vine and Shurubby St. John's Wort. We always take care of the Anniversary Garden every week, so we can keep the garden neat!

( 1.25 hours, 4 people worth of work)
by Monarda


A dragonfly enjoyed a stay at the Anniversary Garden. It likes the color pink!

by Monarda 

Today's garden ( June 28, 2011 )

by Monarda 


Oregano is blooming in the herb garden. Lemon Balm has some flowers, too. 

by Monarda 

Trumpet vine

Trumpet vine is going to bloom.

by Monarda 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

japanese beetles are here

You can identify the japanese beetles by their copper color.  Let's hope they don't eat to much.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Bergamot is blooming! What a vivid pink color! We have a variety of pink colors in the garden, like bargamot's pink, coneflower's pink, beautyberry's pink, garden phlox' pink and holy hocks's pink.

by Monarda 


Beautyberry is blooming.

by Monarda 

Wild petunia

More wild petunias are blooming.

 by Monarda 

Garden phlox

Garden phlox starts blooming!

by Monarda 

Prairie Dock

I can see flower buds of the Prairie Dock.

by Monarda 


Coneflower is blooming.

by Monarda 

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed is getting pinkish. It's beautiful!

by Monarda 

Shrubby St. John's Wort

Shrubby St. John's Wort is blooming.

by Monarda 

Today's garden ( June 23, 2011 )

We canceled gardening on Tuesday because of a thunder. I'd like to see how bergamots go, so I stopped by the garden today. They are full bloomed! Also I could see that wild petunia, coneflower, Shrubby St. John's Wort and beauty berry are blooming!

by Monarda  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Missouri Evening Primrose

We found some seed pods on the Missouri Evening Primrose. They are still green color. We are happy to see the charming shape!

by Monarda

Rattlesnake master

Rattlesnake master is blooming.

by Monarda

Cup plant

Cup plant holds water. It's a cool name, isn't it?

by Monarda


Bergamot ( Monarda! ) starts to bloom.

by Monarda

Purple Poppy Mallow

This is the first bloom of Purple Poppy Mallow.

It was open when we started gardening volunteer, but it closed after one hour. It told us it's time to go home.

by Monarda

Wild petunia

Wild petunias are blooming.

by Monarda


Hollyhocks are blooming, but some leaves have yellow spots on them. Do they get some fungus???

by Monarda