Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall colors

Thread leaved blue star.

Big blue stem.

Fragrant Sumac.

Prairie Dropseed and Virginia Sweetspire.

Sassafras tree.

Prairie Dropseed.

Virginia Sweetspire.

Solomon's seal.

by Monarda


by Monarda


by Monarda

Still blooming!

Cup plant and morning glory are still blooming.

by Monarda


Turtleheads are blooming.

by Monarda

Today's garden ( October 28, 2011 )

by Monarda

Black Eyed Susan ( October 26, 2011 )

Mrs.Hastings brought almost two dozen black-eyed susan plants from her garden. Some of the Super Gardeners helped me plant them, both by the bench and in the spot where an assistant teacher helped dig out one of the Thorough Worts. Mrs. Hastings transplanted it in the Living Classroom. They will look lovely there!

by Sunflower

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New face? ( October 11, 2011 )

It's probably a type of Rudbeckia-Black-eyed Susan. Snapdragon figured it out.

by Monarda

Today's garden ( October 12, 2011 )

 by Monarda

Thread leaved blue star and asters ( October 12, 2011 )

Thread leaved blue star turns to golden color.

 by Monarda

Butterfly Milkweed ( October 4, 2011 )

We planted butterfly milkeeds between the virginia sweetspire and the herb garden. We gave up digging the rose mallow. It wants to stay the spot, so we leave it. Also, we cleaned up the garden.
A wonderful family stopped by the garden and they are intrested in gardening volunteer. Welcome, welcome! We are looking foward to seeing new volunteers!

( 0.5hours, 2 people worth of work)
 by Monarda

Lantana ( October 11, 2011 )

Snapdragon brought a beautiful lantana pot from her garden.

by Monarda 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011