Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weeding ( September 16, 2008 )

We pulled out weeds from the Anniversary Garden. We are sorry to pull out the cosmos. We don’t know why, but there are no buds this year.
You can enjoy yellow and purple flowers in the Anniversary Garden, now. It’s the Brentwood colors!

How many yard waste bags are here? The answer is 15! What hard work we did! We carried these bags from the Living Classroom to the pickup place by six people. We hope more people will join this volunteer group.

by Monarda

Weeding ( September 9, 2008 )

We pulled weeds in the Living Classroom. It’s getting wild during the summer vacation. It waits to be taken care by Super Gardeners.

The fall has come. You can enjoy the fresh orange color of pumpkins in the Living Classroom.

by Monarda

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What is this? ( September 2, 2008 )

What is this fruit? The answer is a passion fruit. Can you find this in the Anniversary Garden?

by Monarda

Clematis and a tiny resident ( August 26, 2008 )

This is the second year for the Clematis in the Anniversary Garden. They welcomed people who are visiting our McGrath school in the summer.

Here is one of the tiny residents in the Anniversary Garden. They love parsleys in the herb garden.

by Monarda

Weeding and a visitor ( July 15, 2008 )

We took a rest after weeding, weeding and weeding! The Black-Eyed Susans are blooming.

Here is a visitor in the Anniversary Garden. A bunny! But we can save our herbs because of marigolds. We are sure that she enjoyed the beautiful garden.

by Monarda

Trimming ( July 1, 2008 )

We trimmed the aster. We are looking forward to seeing their beautiful flower in early autumn.

by Monarda

Coneflower ( July 1, 2008 )

The coneflowers and coleus in the Anniversary Garden.

 by Monarda

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weeding ( June 1, 2007 )

Weeding, weeding and weeding! We are going to continue to take care the Anniversary Garden during summer vacation.

by Monarda

Downy phlox ( April 30, 2008 )

Downy phlox are blooming.

by Monarda

Planting ( April 25, 2008 )

Students planted lobelia and alyssum beside river oats in the pot. The Clematis is getting taller and started to climb on the trellis.

Parsley, mint, lemon balm, chamomile and other herbs are growing well now. If you stop by and touch the leaf, a delightful scent will tickle your nose. Students planted some marigolds around the herb garden, so our herbs will be protected from rabbits.

by Monarda

Weeding ( March 24, 2008 )

We pulled weeds in the Anniversary Garden. Some weeds came out quickly.

by Monarda

Spring has come ( February 28, 2008 )

Daffodils came out. The students planted hundreds of bulbs last Fall. Spring has come!

by Monarda

Hyacinth Beans ( September 24, 2007 )

What a beautiful purple! You can see bright purple seed pods in the Anniversary Garden. These are some Hyacinth Beans.

by Monarda

September 21, 2007

Our school took part in the “Pinwheels for Peace” project. A lot of pinwheels were “planted” in the Anniversary Garden.

by Monarda

Passion flower ( September 17, 2007 )

Passion flower is blooming.

by Monarda

Weeding ( July 25, 2007 )

We weeded in the Living Classroom. You can see a lot of sunflower sprouts which dropped from the bird feeders.
There were a bunch of algae in the pond, so we tried to pull it out. Where did it come from? We scooped pond water out to look at it under the microscope, we could see some microbes. What fun! You can see water fleas, diatomaceous, etc.

by Monarda

Monday, March 28, 2011

July 7, 2007

We have a wonderful path through our garden. There are a lot of animal tracks and leaf shapes. Can you identify which is whose? The Student Council donated a birdbath to the Anniversary Garden. Thanks to the city of Brentwood for installing a cement sidewalk.

This is a cardinal flower.

by Monarda

Beginning ( July, 2007 )

Bobcat is making trench for sidewalk.

Framing sidewalk.

Cement for sidewalk.

Animal Tracks.

by Snapdragon

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beginning ( June 12, 2007 )

We planted some flowers in the Anniversary Garden. It's getting hot, so we keep watering the garden.

We put some blocks around our herb garden and planted some herbs like basil, mint, rosemary and others.

by Monarda

Beginning ( May 7, 2007 )

We made a circle for an herb garden. We planted some clematis. If they grow they can go up the pillars. We are going to put in some trellis.

We planted some Virginia Spires. You can see the white line for a path in the future.

by Monarda

Beginning ( March 27, 2007 )

I'm going to post our past activities for record. We started to improve the front yard of school in spring 2007. This is a photo before the Anniversary Garden created. It's beginning.

At first we had to rototill our garden spot.

We got a bunch of leaf mulch, so we carried it to the garden and made nice soil.

by Monarda

Monday, March 21, 2011

Clean up ( March 21, 2011 )

We pull out bermuda grass from a herb garden. Lemon balm, Chive and lovage have come out already.

Daffodils are full bloom.

(1.25 hours, 2 people worth of work)
by Monarda

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daffodil is blooming

The daffodils are the first bloomer in the Anniversary Garden. Today is the last day before the spring break, we are happy that kids could see its beautiful yellow.

by Monarda

Clean up ( March 11, 2011 )

We cleaned up the garden, again. We cut off dead stalks and collected dead leaves and vines. The garden is ready for covering with mulch.

(2 hours, 3 people worth of work)
by Monarda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Clean up ( March 3, 2011 )

We cleaned up the garden. We trimmed St. John's Wort and cut off dead stalks from other plants.

It's a brown scenery, but daffodils came out already. We are looking forward to see their yellow flowers.

The Prairie Dropseed got hair cut. It's cute!

(2 hours, 5 people worth of work)
by Monarda

Kickoff meeting

We had a kickoff meeting yesterday with yummy lunch. We pick our nicknames on this blog like Sunflower, Rosemary, Snapdragon, and Monarda. We are going to work on Friday to collect leaves, so mulch will be spread soon.

by Monarda


Welcome! This is a gardening volunteer log at the Anniversary Garden. We've been working on this garden since March, 2007. This garden planted with Missouri Native plants. We love Missouri Native plants!